

Students and parents should review these rules, print and turn in the signature sheet  before the assigned due date. Please follow all class rules! see link for details.

Each student will complete 2 current event presentations during the semester for participation points. These should be focused on world politics, the environment and economics. Worth 10 points each presentation. See the link for details and rubric.

Textbook - Modern World History


This textbook may be kept in your locker or at home; do not worry about bringing it to class as your teacher will let you know when that needs to happen. There is an online version at which has most of the book, is free and accessible to all who have a PDF reader. This version of the textbook is the national version, so please note the difference in chapter numbers (ie - our chapter 11= this online chapter 27) You can also purchase an iBooks version for $14.99 which has a number of interactive abilities.

NB - The Prologue in NOT included in this version of the book! Go to the Prologue page in this website for that chapter!

Course Overview 


We will cover a unit every 3-4 weeks. Be ready to focus on these prevailing questions:

  • How did ideas associated with the Enlightenment, the Scientific Revolution, the Age of Reason, and a variety of democratic revolutions develop and impact civil society?

  • Why did imperial powers seek to expand their empires? How did colonies respond? What were the legacies of those conquests?

  • Why was the modern period defined by global conflict and cooperation, economic growth and collapse, and global independence and connection?